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Love (lʌv/)…noun/verb…Origin : Germanic to Old English to A Lick from a Dog & a Nose to Boop…
Love – There are multiple definitions of this little word. One such definition, in the space of social psychology , is this… “Love is a set of emotions and behaviours characterised by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust. Love can vary in intensity and can change over time. It is associated with a range of positive emotions, including happiness, excitement, life satisfaction, and euphoria, but it can also result in negative emotions such as jealousy and stress.” Heavy, right? Well, this word has multiple meanings and brings out a myriad range of emotions in anyone you may ask to define it. For me and am sure for the multitude of pet parents, a very important definition of love is “the wet tongue that belong to four legs”. It’s been just over three months that I lost Harley. He played the role of my son, my first born, my inspiration, the Chief Tasting Office for Harley’s Corner and most importantly, my best friend. As I think back at the years he spent with me, I can still remember the way he behaved so vividly. He, is the one that taught me so much about LOVE! One such memory which was quite common, was me watching TV, with him laying down beside me. I’d reach out to give him his customary belly rub, , which was acknowledged with a raise of an eyebrow and a shift of position to offer his entire furry belly for the scratch. While I carried out my ‘scratcher’ duties, I would speak to him in my mind…I realised, that I hadn’t thanked him enough for what he taught me about love, in all its forms and manifestations. So I thought, what better way to profess my love for my son, Harley, than via a medium he made me choose through serving him and his kind. Thank you Harley… thank you for; For showing me what unconditional love is….. For teaching me how to communicate with you…. For bringing out the child in me when we play with a ball or play tug of war with the napkin when all I worry about in the next pay check…. For teaching me to empathise with your brethren who are unfortunately still on the roads waiting for a permanent home…. For showing me that siblings can fight and bite each other, but still can’t go for a walk without the other…. (I fought with my sister, Chanchal…a lot) For reminding me that even the scraps on my plate are a feast for others….and that I should not waste food…. For teaching me that the bond between a father and son will never wilt, although we may fight at times….. (I lost my dad a few years back and realised all these fights were pointless) For correcting me when a raised voice is met with a bark of disapproval, hence ensuring I remain respectful to all I speak with…. For teaching me the value of each and every one of us by the joy you exhibit when each one comes home…. For showing me the importance of a good sleep… For making me a caring father…. FOR TEACHING ME TO BE A BETTER HUMAN…..FOR LOVING ME!.. THANK YOU HARLEY!