Why Packaged Fresh Dog Food Is In The Spotlight Versus Kibble

For years, many people have been feeding dry kibble to their pets, not knowing its hazards. But thanks to conscious pet parents who cook their pet’s food at home, pet nutritionists and fresh pet food makers for turning things around. Call it home-styled packaged pet food, fresh or wet dog food; it earns more points over kibble for several reasons. 

Here is what you need to know about packaged fresh food versus kibble

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Here is what you need to know about packaged fresh food versus kibble

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Which type of food is better in the long run?

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In Conclusion...

Dry pet food manufacturers have promoted kibble as a wholesome meal. But research has revealed many red flags. Conversely, a study conducted in Europe by Dr Lippert and Dr Sapy shows that dogs on a home-styled diet lived over 32 months (almost three years!) longer than dogs on an industrial dog food diet.  There is an increasing number of conscious pet parents looking for alternatives to kibble. Thanks to home-style dog food makers who have maintained the same integrity with which they cook their pet's food, pet parents now have a better and healthier option for their pets.